Monday, February 27, 2006

Border family's strange encounters with illegal crossers

RANCH CROSSING: Dawn and Terry Garner and their three daughters live two miles from the US-Mexico border, where they experience daily incursions by *[illegal] migrants.

The Garners' world includes security drills, self-defense lessons, and a gun on the hip for Mom.
By Daniel B. Wood\ Staff Writer of the Christian Science Monitor
NACO, ARIZ.- The Garner family on Purdy Lane doesn't know exactly how many Chickens, Roosters, Guinea hens, or Geese they own on their 5-acre farm in this dusty town on the U.S.-Mexico border.
But they know the number is smaller than the number if illegal immigrants who can be seen daily in groups of three, 10, 40, 60, and more on their property. They are often huddled in centepede form (hands on the hips of the person in front), kneeling under windows, crouched behind trees, and sleeping in their egg house....

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Want to Contact Media in Your State or Across the Country?

Click on your state to search.

Get your CD's NOW!

Let's defend our Borders, Language, Constitution and support our Troops!
Wake Up America is a unique music CD with a collection of a patriotic HIT songs in defense of Freedom, in support of the American Troops, in defense of American values, the English language, the American Borders and the American Constitution....
Click on CD cover and go to the website for the FREE download, and listen to the songs. Then email Luca and order your own. You'll be glad you did!
Be the FIRST one on your block to have it!
Tired of those 'low riders' driving by with their 'tejano' music booming thru their speakers? Now you can get your own Patriotic music and show them what America was made of.
To get you
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Wake Up America is NOT suggested for the ears of Liberals, Communists, American Politicians on the payroll of Mexico....well, you get my drift!
If you aren't a puss, get it!

Minuteman TV- CHECK IT OUT!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Vicente Fox Expresses His Support for Spanish Speakers in America:

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Mexico's Surprising Admission

Is Mexico full of starving people who will all die unless we open the borders? Or is the truth a little more complicated than that? Read Mexico's Surprising Admission, by Allan Wall.

Muslims Dominate Truck Driving School-Raided by FBI

By Debbie Schlussel

Are potential Islamic Terrorists trying to get commercial drivers licenses (CDL's) and hazardous hauling certificates? You bet, they are in droves.

The latest, as reported by Kansas City media is the South Central Career Center Truck T
raining Program in West Plains, Missouri, in South Central Missouri.
A Whopp
ing 60% of those who took a CDL test there from May 2004 to December 2005 had Mid-East names. Hello?

And as usual, your tax dollars probably paid the bill. That particular Truck Driving School is run by Missouri's West Plains School District, as part of vocational training. Watch the well done frightening video news report.

Fortunately, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force (a fancy name for a group that hasn't
done much) raided the school, and the Missouri Highway Patrol has blocked the school from testing new students or issuing further licenses. Well, it's about time. What took so long?

The school district has suspended the director of the truck school AND one of the CDL testers. Previous similar investigations in other states, like Utah, have uncovered testers helping ILLEGAL ALIENS pass the test.

We've noted multiple times that that two members of Detriot's alleged Al-Qaeda cell also took CDL tests and tried to get HazMat hauling certificates. A tax funded Arab welfare agency, dominated by Muslims, paid thousands in "job-training" money to get the men the lessons. When FBI officials raided the mens apartment after 9/11, they found a pre-printed cheat sheet with answers to the test.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Minuteman of One- Denton County-Texas applauds these heroes!
The Wounded Warrior Project is a nonprofit Corp. that provides comfort and aid to the most severely injured service Men and Women, returning from the current Military conflicts abroad.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Are we about to be 'hit' again by terrorists?

Old News or news that we should be thinking about?

Al-Qaeda Linked Middle Eastern Men Infiltrating United States Via Southern Border, Using Fake Mexican ID, Names.
John & Ken Show, KFI Radio-640AM Los Angelas-California
Congressman John Culberson (R-TX) told the host that he was now cleared to disclose to the media and public, that there has been Middle Eastern Men with ties to Al-Qaeda mixing with Mexican Nationals and crossing into the United States through the widely open Southwest Border with Mexico. They've changed their names from Islamic names to Mexican ones and have even obtained official Mexican Matricular ID cards. They've obtained them using fake Mexican birth certificates and the Men are said to be paying up to $30,000 to obtain entry into the US to be amoung the illegal immigrants that are also crossing through the Mexican/American border.

Worried that possibly we could be hit by another terrorist act like 9-11? Or possibly be the recipient of a chemical or nuclear attack? Read up on what you can do to help yourself and your Family.

Click on the gas mask to go to a website for info on how to help you live through another attack.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Need we say more?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Truckers on I-10 join the Minuteman of 1

Check out what one of our Newest Minuteman of One has reported. Click on the picture above and go to his website! When he observed the illegals and took the photo, the driver of the pickup drove in speeds of excess of 90 mph to get away from the Minuteman of One-trucker. The info was given to Border Patrol and they're watching for him. WAY TO GO "JarHead". You're one Super MM01-i10.
And welcome to the MMO1 Movement!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

MinuteMan of One-Denton County-TX. Meets with State Senator

Cindy Lou' of the LoneStar Minutemen, met with Texas State Senator, Craig Estes (District 30.) *Note the large envelope that Senator Estes is holding, in it there's 3 disks full of information and pdf files from Homeland Security, along with articles written from almost every media source imagineable regarding the recent Mexican Military Incursions on our Soil. Topics of discussion included, Making English the 'official language' in Texas, and the recent border crisis with Mexican Military and drug runners coming into Texas.
Fellow Original Minuteman and Representative of the Texas Minutemen, Shannon McGauley was also present and shown Senator Estes the photos he took while on patrol in Oct. near El Paso-TX, of Mexican Military working alongside drug runners at our borders.
The Senator seemed very interested in the photos and asked Shannon several questions. When our 'time was up' he asked Shannon if he could keep the copies of the photos. It was obvious that we suprised Senator Estes with our information and I only hope that what we gave him will be put to good use. Senator Estes asked that I keep in touch with his office, and I will update this blog with info. when available.
Have You seen your Representative today?

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