Sunday, April 30, 2006

Founder of Minutemen targets run for president
Jim Gilchrist eyes bid with Constitution Party, claims Republicans 'sold out our sovereignty'

Posted: April 30, 20069:44 p.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.© 2006

Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, is considering a run for president in 2008 representing the Constitution Party.
Gilchrist has just returned from Florida where he met with the party's national committee.
Chairman James Clymer told WorldNetDaily the party was excited about the possibility of Gilchrist as its marquis candidate.
"Yes, indeed, we are interested," Clymer said. "Gilchrist spoke to us last weekend in Tampa and our people asked Jim then if he would be the candidate. We think it would be wonderful if Jim Gilchrist would seriously consider being our presidential candidate."
Gilchrist told WND the only candidate he would support as the Republican Party presidential nominee in 2008 was Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo.

"If John McCain enters the race for president," Gilchrist said. "I will definitely run. John McCain should have forfeited his right to run for president on the Republican Party the moment he put his name on immigration legislation with Sen. Ted Kennedy."

Gilchrist and the Constitution Party both agree on the need to secure the southern border with Mexico. Commenting on the street demonstrations planned for tomorrow, Gilchrist said they are nothing more than "a declaration that we are no longer a nation governed by the rule of law, but that we are being ruled by mob rule."
Asked whether he felt President Bush's "guest worker" program or the administration's "pathway to citizenship" were reasonable compromises, Gilchrist reacted sharply: "The Republican Party is going to pay a huge price for pandering to what they think is going to be an illegal-alien vote and for their reckless disregard for the rule of law. The Republican Party has sold out our sovereignty."
Gilchrist told WND that he thought his third-party candidacy could be viable, noting "the country is ready for a third-party candidate, just like the country was ready for Ross Perot in 1992."
Gilchrist was harshly critical of Bush's leadership on the immigration issue.
"The president should resign," Gilchrist asserted. "The Congress should begin impeachment proceedings if President Bush will not resign. President Bush has shown he is incompetent to handle his job. It amounts to dereliction of duty that President Bush has left our border with Mexico wide open while supposedly he is fighting a war on terror."

Asked if he thought the recent arrests by the Department of Homeland Security cracking down on companies who hire illegal aliens was effective, Gilchrist dismissed the administration's efforts.
"It's nothing more than a show," Gilchrist argued. "DHS just served up another 'photo op.'"
"The political fix is on," Gilchrist warned. "The president thinks he has a compromise that the Republican leadership and the Democratic leadership can ram through Congress, but it's going to end up being jammed down the throats of the 300 million people the president is supposed to be preserving, protecting and defending."

Gilchrist dismissed President Bush's attempt to get "comprehensive immigration reform" passed by Congress before the August recess. "Any law the Bush administration supports," Gilchrist predicted, "will be just like all the other immigration laws – a sellout. The administration plans to forget about the enforcement parts as soon as President Bush can shake hands with Ted Kennedy, right after he signs the law into effect. It's all a wink-wink game the Republicans have started playing with the Democrats. Both parties are really just the same. Neither party wants to secure or border with Mexico."
How about "guest workers"?
"The 'guest worker' program, or whatever the PR guys at the White House decide to call it," Gilchrist answered, "will be nothing more than an amnesty. We're going to wave the magic wand and 30 million illegal aliens will somehow become citizens, despite the fact that they march under the Mexican flag and make up their own national anthem in Spanish. Pretty soon there will be 50 million illegal aliens here. Who knows? As far as George Bush and Sen. Ted Kennedy are concerned, the more the merrier."

The Constitution Party supported Gilchrist in 2005, when he ran as an independent for Congress after Rep. Chris Cox, R-Calif., resigned to become chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Committee. Gilchrist received 25.5 percent of the vote in the general election, losing to Republican John Campbell. At that time, Clymer put out a strong statement supporting Gilchrist's candidacy. According to Dec. 15 party press release.
Jim Clymer, chairman of the Constitution Party, believes that a major change is in order. Both the House and the Senate have been thoroughly corrupted by influence-peddling for decades, Clymer said. But the solution is not to run the Democrats to power or to elect a more ethical Republican majority. The solution, according to Clymer, is to jettison the two major parties altogether and to start afresh with principle-based leadership.
In 1992, Howard Philips left the Republican Party to found the U.S. Taxpayers Party and ran as the party's presidential candidate. In 1995, the party became the fifth political party to be recognized by the Federal Election Commission as a national political party. In 1999, the party changed its name to the Constitution Party.
During the Nixon administration, Philips headed two federal agencies, serving last as the director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity.
A third-party candidate could represent a viable challenge to the Democrats in 2008.
A recent Rasmussen poll indicated disillusionment over President Bush's immigration policy could lead to a tie, with 31 percent of voters going for the Democratic Party presidential candidate, 31 percent going for a third-party independent arguing to build a wall on the border, and 21 percent for the Republican candidate.
Gilchrist, a Marine veteran with 13 months combat experience in Vietnam, presents himself in an unassuming fashion.
"I'm just an average Joe citizen," Gilchrist told WND. "What we've proved is that an average Joe citizen can come out of nowhere and not only create the Minuteman Project, but can also run for president. I want to bring common sense and rule of law back into our national dialogue."

An American Working in Mexico

American working in Mexico- From the other side of the fence.....
Received the following from (Tom O'Malley) who was a Director with SWBELL in Mexico City.

You remember I spent five years working in Mexico. I worked under a tourist Visa for three months and could legally renewit for three more months. After that you were working Illegally. I was technically illegal for three weeks waiting on the FM3 approval. During that six months our Mexican and US Attorneys were working to secure a permanent work visa called a FM3. It was in addition to my US passport that I had to show each time I entered and left the country. Barbara's was the same except hers did not permit her to work. To apply for the FM3 I needed to submit the following notarized originals (not copies) of my:
1. Birth certificate for Barbara and I.
2. Marriage certificate.
3. High school transcripts and proof of graduation.
4. College transcripts for every college I attended and proof of graduation.
5. Two letters of recommendation from supervisors I had worked for at least one year.
6. A letter from The ST. Louis Chief of Police indication I had no arrest record in the US and no outstanding warrants and was "a citizen in good standing."
7. Finally; I had to write a letter about myself that clearly stated why there was no Mexican Citizen with my skills and why my skills were important to Mexico. We called it our "I am the greatest person on Earth" letter. It was fun to write.

All of the above were in English that had to be translated into Spanish and be certified as legal translations and our signatures notarized. It produced a folder about 1.5 inches thick with English on the left side and Spanish on the right.
Once they were completed Barbara and I spent about five hours accompanied by a Mexican Attorney touring Mexican Government
office locations and being photographed and fingerprinted at least
three times. At each location and we remember at least four locations
we instructed on Mexican tax, labor, housing, and criminal law and that
we were required to obey their laws or face the consequences.
We could not protest any of the Governments actions or we would
be committing a felony. We paid out four thousand dollars in fees and bribes to complete the process. When this was done we could legally bring in our household goods that were held by US customs in Laredo Texas. This meant we had rented furniture in Mexico while awaiting our goods. There were extensive fees involved here that the company paid. We could not buy a home and were required to rent at very high rates and under contract and compliance with Mexican law. We were required to get a Mexican drivers license. This was an amazing process. The company arranged for the Licensing agency to come to our Headquarters location with their photography and finger print equipment and the laminating machine. We showed our US license, were photographed and fingerprinted again and issued the license
instantly after paying out a six dollar fee.
We did not take a written or driving test and never received instructions on the rules of the road. Our only instruction was never give a policeman your license if stopped and asked. We were instructed to hold it against the inside window away from his grasp.
If he got his hands on it you would have to pay ransom to get it back. We then had to pay and file Mexican income tax annually using the number of our FM3 as our ID number. The companies Mexican
accountants did this for us and we just signed what they prepared. I was
about twenty legal size pages annually. The FM 3 was good for three years and renewable for two more after paying more fees. Leaving the country meant turning in the FM# and certifying we were leaving no debts behind and no outstanding legal affairs (warrants, tickets or liens) before our household goods were released to customs. It was a real adventure and If any of our Senators or Congressman went through it once they would have a different attitude toward Mexico. The Mexican Government uses its vast military and police forces to keep its citizens intimidated and compliant. They never protest at
their White house or government offices but do protest daily in
front of the United States Embassy. The US embassy looks like a
strongly reinforced fortress and during most protests the Mexican
Military surround the block with their men standing shoulder to shoulder in full riot gear to protect the Embassy.
These protests are never shown on US or Mexican TV. There is a large public park across the street where they do their protesting. Anything can cause a protest such as proposed law changes in California or Texas.

Please feel free to share this with everyone who thinks we are being hard on illegal immigrants.

Officials still have no leads on missing Tamaulipas judge

Officials still have no leads on missing Tamaulipas judge

Web Posted: 04/29/2006 12:00 AM CDT

Jesse Bogan
Rio Grande Valley Bureau
MIGUEL ALEMAN, Mexico — Nearly three weeks since a state judge apparently disappeared during a desolate highway commute to work, officials haven't made any arrests or named any suspects.
Judge Diana Margarita Canales Cárdenas, 42, heard civil cases in the Tamaulipas state's 6th District Court in this border town across from Roma.
She lived in Nuevo Laredo but drove the 90 miles each way and was apparently last seen at a checkpoint by Mexican soldiers who recognized her from her daily passage through.
"It's already been 18 days missing," her replacement, Jorge Chavez Martinez, said Friday. "She has been searched for by helicopter (and) special trucks from here to the northern edge of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. We still don't know what happened."
Local authorities confirmed Canales is missing, but forwarded all other questions about the case to the commandant of the state ministerial police, Hector Fernando Vallejo Garcia, in the capital city of Victoria. He did not return a call seeking comment.
Photographs of Canales, a tall woman with short hair with red tints, and the 2005 red four-door Ford Lobo pickup she was last seen in, are posted locally on the doors of various law enforcement offices.
A prosecutor here initially speculated she might have been robbed because it's such a lonely road. It passes through rugged terrain where the national oil company Pemex has several natural gas lines, and many of the supervisors drive the same type of truck.
Her husband, Jorge Rodriguez Gonzalez of Nuevo Laredo, told police his wife didn't have enemies and that he last saw her leaving for work around 8 a.m. He started retracing her route when a colleague in her office informed him around 11 a.m. that she hadn't arrived.
He told police soldiers on the outskirts of Nuevo Laredo saw her pass through around 8:15 a.m.
Family members were worried because Canales, who has three children, takes medication daily for a recent operation and a thyroid illness.
"In as many years as I can remember, I can't recall a similar case involving a state judge," said Raul Almaguen Miranda, another state judge who hears minor crimes and whose office is near Canales' office. "We hope that she will be found soon."

Online at:

ARRESTS and ROUND Ups Planned!

Found this on the net!
by: srsr7872006
04/30/06 07:15 pm

ICE has a 24-hour hotline for citizens to report any suspicious activity.
That number is 866 347-2423.On May 1st ICE (Immigration Control and Enforcement) agents will be at all marches in all major cities, checking IDs and arresting all illegal aliens who cannot produce legal, unforged, IDs. ALL IDs will have to be verified.The Dept. of Homeland Security has issued a warning to all protesters, you are REQUIRED to carry legal identification. If you cannot produce identification on request you will be taken into custody,ALL illegal aliens apprehended on May 1 will be deported to their respective homelands within 24 hours, they will not be given the right to protest from this country. If any deported illegal alien decides to contest his or her deportation they must do so from their homeland.ICE agents will be dressed in plain clothes.ICE agents for this operation have been chosen primarily from among those ICE agents of LATINO ethnicity so as to blend in with the largely LATINO crowd.ICE agents will be armed...


Democrats passed out this flyer at the Dallas Protest!

Notice Texas and Mexico together as one nation on democrat flyer.Photo of flyer distributed at a rally in Dallas. Reverse of flyer is in Spanish. Democrat recruitment flyer encouraging Mexican immigrants to vote for Democrats in 2006.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Pro-Illegal website doesn't like THIS blog!

I was checking the stats on the blogs main page and realized that I am getting several 'hits' from a certain website and domain, and after some digging found the exact location of the originator.
And since it was in Spanish, I had it translated with babel fish translator and this is the English translation.
I'm glad that we're making an impact, and showing people that information IS power!

Blogs against immigrants Posted on Tuesday, April 25 @ 22:44:09 MDT by El_Pop

ghost writes "
When being "blogeando" I was with this finísimo blog (sarcasm nótese) that tries to promote the culture of the hunting immigrants through Internet, is not the first time that I see this, but the one calls the attention to me whom they mention the march anti immigrants and says the following thing"Makes you proud huh! Now aren't you glad it wasn't YOUR City? Call your Reps now, because it COULD BE YOUR CITY NEXT "so that as much hatred from ' americanos' towards a culture that does not know?The page at issue is:"
From Webmaster:
Mr. 'ghost',
Again, the likes of you and your kind makes me proud! (NOT!)
This is OUR Country, deal with it or leave! (vamanous)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Family detention center could spring up in Taylor Texas

Posted on Mon, Apr. 24, 2006

Family detention center could spring up in Taylor

Associated Press

TAYLOR, Texas - A private prison could become the second facility in the country to house immigrant families detained by federal authorities.

The T. Don Hutto Correctional Center, owned and operated by Corrections Corporation of America, already had a contract to house immigration detainees. A new agreement approved by Williamson County commissioners last week changes the class of detainees from adult men to families, said assistant county attorney Dale Rye.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said noncriminal immigration detainees would be held at the Taylor facility. But the agency wouldn't confirm if those included families awaiting deportation and a spokesman for Corrections Corporation of America declined to comment on the new contract.

"No decisions have been made at this time," said ICE spokeswoman Ernestine Fobbs.

Currently, the prison has no detainees.

Documents detailing the changes say the facility could hold up to 600 detainees. While it would still remain secure from the outside, the facility's interior wouldn't be as restrictive, accordint to the documents.

The facility would have separate sleeping quarters for men and women. Playpens, cribs and classroom space would be added, according to the documents.

Typically, families detained by immigration authorities who can't be immediately returned to their home countries are either released on bond or separated, with men, women and children going to different sites.

The nation's only facility allowed to house detained families is in Berks County, Pa., Fobbs said.

The Department of Homeland Security has been appropriated $1 billion for detention this year, including $90 million for detention beds.

Williamson County will work as an intermediary in billing transactions between Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Corrections Corporation of America. The county would earn $1 per day for each inmate at the facility, or about $200,000 each year, if the facility is at capacity, said Rick Zinsmeyer, county director of adult probation.


Corrections Corporation of America

Information from: Austin American-Statesman,

Next Week a STOP THE INVASION Billboard will go up in Dallas!

You heard it here first! That's right...before the media got the story, before the goons deface it and before you see it in disbelief, yourself. There WILL BE a billboard on I-35, next week saying "STOP THE INVASION."
Pics and specific info on it is available if you click the link above.
If you get a picture of it, send it in and I will post your pics.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Eyewitness account protest in Dallas & Attack of the Bottles

THANKS for the protest sit-rep. I received this email when I was on the border in Texas, with the Texas Minutemen (El Paso Sector) and just now am checking through the hundreds of emails I received while I was border hopping.
A BIG Thank You goes out to those who attended this protest and others, across the Nation on the side of NO AMNESTY for illegals!

Eyewitness account of today's protest in Dallas

ALIPAC Activist 2

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:55 am
Post subject: Dallas Counter-
Protest In Dallas: Attack of the Bottles


I arrived at the City Hall in Dallas at 11am like I said I would.
When I arrived there were three bikers holding flags and a girl (from
my myspace page). We all were there in hopes to diffuse some of the
media attention from the hundred thousand or more expected to attend

By 12:30pm the group had grown and was mixed with old and young
(mostly white) citizens. We were kicked off of the location where we
were standing and moved to an adjacent corner because LULAC raised
concerns of us being too close.

At 1:45pm the march begin to arrive at City Hall, at first it was a
small steady stream, but it soon exploded into a large angry crowd.
LULAC had declard that NO mexican or other flags be brought to the
rally, however there were numerous mexican and salvadorian flags as
well as upside down American Flags and an Aztec flag. The bikers
leapt onto their bikes as the surge started and with a deafening roar
they left.

Our small group was immediately attacked by members of the rally
throwing bottles. A couple who had brought their baby with them were
towards the back when the attack started, the mother and another lady
were holding a huge sheet sign that read "No Amnesty" after a bottle
hit the baby carriage the police began to push us back, that couple
left for fear of their child being hurt.

A few minutes later police noticed that there were marchers coming
from behind us, it seems that oragnizers from LULAC had diverted half
of the march crowd to come the other direction effectively boxing us
in. A hail of bottles came towards us again while the crowd cheered
on the assailaints. Police forced us back onto a sidewalk and called
in the calvary and the riot police.

Soon we were behind a massive force of police in riot gear and on
horseback. Then a young man threw a bottle of gatorade at a blonde
female officer striking her in the jaw and throwing her back. Again
the crowd cheered and a hail of new beverage bottles was hurled at
the police. A riot officer then aimed a teargas gun at the crowd in
preparation to fire.

The police now had barracades around us and offered to escort us out
if we wanted to leave. 5-6 or our group took the offer, I stayed and
stood my ground. Kari, Wes, Lex and I along with a man who was
videotaping and relaying information to a group in NC and a few
others stood tall and strong. I was called a racist, a bigot and
other names that have nothing to do with my stance on illegal
immigration. One group began to chant the pledge of allegiance
putting emphasis on "Liberty and Justice for all". I pointed out that
deportation and border security IS Justice for the illegals.

There was a man with a megaphone announcing "Aztlan is ours!" and
other things to the crowd firing them up. I used the media attention
on me to point out what he was saying and how the crowd cheered for
him. I ran to a camera man to point out a large upside-down American
flag he turned and shoot it then looked at me and said "disgusting".

The 100,000+ crowd began to disperse as their 'leaders' took to the
stage to speak to them. It seems they just wanted to rant and throw
bottles and not listen to anyone. An hour later the crowd was dieing.
To fill in for those who had given up calling us racist a few young
men with drums approached the barricade with a banner that read "We
Work Hard 2 Serve You" with logos of McDonald's, Taco Bell, Taco
Bueno and Wendy's. They just stood there druming as the crowd got
fired up and once again another hail of drink bottles came flying to
the cheering of the mob.

I pointed out to one reporter that to me it seems this rally is more
about "latino" rights than anything else. I told her that it was not
a true rally for immigration reform because the Latino Americans for
Immigration Reform were not present or included in the organizing of
the event. I told her that for a true representation of the issue
both sides need to be present with out insults or attacks.

By 4pm the crowd was nearly dead with the protestors leaving in
droves, police had told us that they did not expect it to start
ending till 5pm. By 4:30 there were few left as they 'migrated' to
their cars and buses (yes lots of buses)

There was media galore in our camp, one even asked police for a vest
and helmet out of fear of being struk, another reporter told me he
feared entering the crowd and asking them questions (he was
hispanic). When I first arrived a camera man with Univision told me
his brother was on the Border Patrol and that he and his brother were
against illegal immigration. Yes he was hispanic and he told me that
most who attend these are lied to, coerreced or just don't know the
issue at all.

All in all I think Today was a success, now let's just hope the local
news media shows everything that happened.
_________________ - Fight For Your Right to Free Rock!

A look at past U.S. immigration controls

Sunday, April 23, 2006 · Last updated 8:52 a.m. PT

A look at past U.S. immigration controls


Some U.S. efforts to stem illegal migration from Mexico:

-1917: During World War I, U.S. lets in 77,000 unskilled workers in a five-year program. Fewer than half return to Mexico, and critics say program spawns illegal immigration.

-1942: Bracero program created to fill labor shortages during World War II and continues until 1964, mainly for farm work. Some 4.6 million Mexicans come to U.S., peaking at 439,000 in 1959. Program stipulates free housing, medical treatment, transportation and prevailing wages, but these rights are often violated.

-1986: Immigration Reform and Control Act entitles 2.6 million illegal residents to American citizenship. Measure fails to curb illegal immigration, which peaks at more than 500,000 arrivals a year in the 1990s.

-1993-94: U.S. toughens border enforcement in parts of California and Texas with walls and stepped-up patrols under Operations Gatekeeper and Hold The Line. Critics say plan does little to decrease flow of undocumented migrants, but forces illegal border crossers into the less populated, more dangerous stretches of the Arizona desert.

-2006: U.S. House passes bill to make illegal immigrants felons and authorize 700 miles of border walls. Amid widespread protest rallies, Senate considers different approach, focused on legalizing undocumented immigrants, but discussions break down amid partisan recriminations.

Texans tell it like it is!

WAY TO GO TEXAS! I'm very proud of you!

Houston & Texas

Joann Hendrick rallies against illegal immigration Saturday outside the Mexican Consulate in Houston. U.S. Border Watch, Texans for Immigration Reform and the Texas Minutemen organized the protest.


April 23, 2006, 11:20AM
Protesters say it's not U.S.'s job to provide for illegal immigrants
3 groups' rally attracts about 100 who want Bush to close the border

Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle

About 100 people rallied against illegal immigration Saturday, waving U.S. flags and holding signs such as "Remember the Alamo" and "Texas Isn't A Mexican Colony."

The protest outside the Mexican Consulate south of downtown came in response to massive demonstrations in Houston and nationally earlier this month in support of amnesty for illegal immigrants.

"It is a sad day in this nation when people here illegally can storm the streets of our cities and demand U.S. taxpayers continue to provide them welfare, social service programs, free health care and the education of their children," proclaimed Curtis Collier, president of U.S. Border Watch. "If elected officials cannot fulfill their oath of office to defend this country and the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic, I demand they resign."

The rally, staged to fall between San Jacinto Day Friday and the U.S. Senate's expected resumption on Monday of deliberations on immigration reform, brought no counter-protest. Some passing motorists honked their horns in seeming approval.

Immigration legislation in the Senate and the House of Representative has inflamed passions around the nation. The House bill calls for a crackdown on illegal immigration that focuses on tightening border security, while the current proposal in the Senate combines more enforcement with temporary worker visas and an "earned" path to legalization for illegal immigrants.

With Toby Keith and George Strait blaring from the sound system, speakers at the rally blamed Mexico for fueling the illegal immigration. One speaker referred to its "industry aiding people across our border."

"You know you have a problem when white-haired women show up for rallies," said Louise Whiteford, eliciting cheers and laughter. "We need to boycott the businesses that support illegal immigration."

The speakers called for Bush to issue an executive order to close the Texas-Mexico border and complained that more than 50 percent of U.S. immigrants are from Mexico, even though it is not as poor as many other underdeveloped countries and represents only 7 percent of the world's population.

The rally was organized by leaders of Texans for Immigration Reform, U.S. Border Watch and Texas Minutemen. They said they are planning a larger rally at President Bush's Crawford Ranch on May 6.

Bush has not directly addressed the Senate bill's plan to create a legalization program for most of the nation's estimated 12 million illegal immigrants.

"We feel like we're being ignored," said Leslie Wetzel of U.S. Border Watch. "Instead of immigrants coming over to become Americans and assimilate, what's being encouraged is a silent takeover of our country by Mexico."

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Illegal Sex Offenders....doing jobs 'Americans don't want to do'

52 Immigrant Child Predators Nailed for Shocking Crimes in New York
Jim Kouri
April 22, 2006

Fifty-two child predators were arrested today in the five boroughs by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and officers from the New York City Department of Probation.
All of the individuals arrested have been previously convicted of sex offenses including rape, sodomy, sexual abuse, attempted sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child, criminal sex act, sexual conduct against a child and sexual misconduct. The youngest of the victims was two years old. The oldest was 16.
Those arrested are from the following countries: China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Italy, Jamaica, Liberia, Mexico, Norway and Trinidad. Among the arrested today was:
A citizen of Haiti who was convicted of four counts of rape, five counts of sodomy, nine counts of sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child under a 114 count indictment. The abuse occurred over a four day period. The victim was a 12 year old girl. The sexual predator was sentenced to five years probation.
A citizen of Guyana was charged with rape, sodomy and kidnapping. He was convicted of rape and was sentenced to four months incarceration and 10 years probation. The victim was 12 year old girl.

A national of the Dominican Republic was charged with criminal sex acts, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. He was convicted of sexual abuse and sentenced to 10 years probation. The victim was nine years old. The predator was 60 years old and the grandfather of the victim.

A citizen of the Dominican Republic was charged with 13 counts of rape, six counts of sodomy and endangering the welfare of a child. The rapist was convicted of rape and was sentenced to 10 years probation. The victim was 15 years old. The subject was the victim's tutor at an after-school tutoring center.

A national of Norway was charged with 12 counts of sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child and sexual conduct against a child. He was convicted of sexual abuse and sentenced to six years probation. The victim was the subject's granddaughter and was six years old when the abuse began.

Non-citizen sex offenders are subject to administrative removal from the US by federal authorities. ICE agents transported the criminal aliens to various detention facilities. All of those apprehended have been placed into removal proceedings. Those with final orders of removal will be deported from the country shortly. The others will have their cases heard before an immigration judge.

"When you think you have seen it all, you find that there are sex crimes even more heinous. As their convictions demonstrate, these predators are the worst of the worst. They prey on our children and they have forfeited their privilege to remain in this country," said New York Special Agent-in-Charge Martin D. Ficke. "ICE is committed to public safety and we will continue to partner with the New York City Department of Probation and with other state and local law enforcement agencies to make our communities more secure and to protect our children."

Martin F. Horn, New York City Probation Commissioner, said, "All of the probationers taken into custody today have committed serious sex offenses. In nearly every case the victim was a child, in some cases as young as two years old. When the offenders rounded up this morning are deported, New York City will be a safer place."
ICE's Operation Predator protects children by investigating and presenting for prosecution pedophiles, Internet predators, human traffickers, international sex tourists and other predatory criminals. Since Operation Predator was launched on July 9, 2003, ICE agents have arrested nearly 7,000 predators and sex offenders nationwide. In the New York area, more than 500 predators and sex offenders have been arrested.

If the UN (United Nations) has it's way, we'd open ALL borders to foreigners and foot the bill!

The U.N.'s "Open Border" Immigration Policy

By Joseph Klein | April 24, 2006

.....To the UN ‘experts’ who advocate using migration as a global development tool, the unemployed poor should become the economic charges of their destination countries. For those migrants who do manage to find jobs in their destination countries, they would be expected to send money back to their families still residing in their countries of origin. These remittances, as they are called, are seen by the UN’s migration development advocates as an indirect form of aid generated from the economies of the host countries and adding significantly to the gross national product of the migrants’ countries of origin. If transfers that went through informal channels were added to the official statistics, remittances could be as high as $300 billion. They are larger than official development assistance (ODA) and more than foreign direct investment (FDI). At the same time, these same UN ‘experts’ want to discourage the movement of those skilled educated workers from a developing country who seek better economic opportunities for themselves and their families where their skills will bring them more reward. With regard to those skilled workers who do migrate, the UN ‘experts’ expect the prosperous destination countries of these skilled workers to compensate the less developed countries of origin for the so-called “brain drain”. Of course, nothing is said about requiring compensation from the countries of origin for the educational and monetary benefits the destination countries are paying to assist their poor nationals who cross the border illegally.

In short, if the UN advocates of open borders have their way, the developing countries would get to transfer their economic underclass without any cost to the destination countries, which would be expected to subsidize them. The developing countries would also receive compensation from the destination countries where their skilled nationals have migrated in order to find gainful employment that is not available back home.

*To see the whole story, click here.

Back to the Border - Security first.


Back to the Border - Security first.
National Review Online ^ | 4/22/06 | Senator Bill Frist

April 22, 2006, 9:00 a.m. Back to the Border Security first.

By Senator Bill Frist

Democrat obstruction torpedoed comprehensive immigration reform in the Senate earlier this month. At the same time, concerns about getting our border under control came into clear relief with news this week of the Department of Homeland Security's effort to crack down on egregious violations of immigration law. It is time to both secure our borders and reform our immigration system. So next week, the Senate will act to increase funding for border security-first. And then, before the end of May, the Senate must again take up-and finish-comprehensive immigration system reform...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Help Show Lou Dobbs and CNN that we appreciate what he's doing for America!

Lou is VERY Supportive of the Minutemen, last April he met with us on the line in Arizona and continues to tell the truth (without pulling punches) on his daily show on CNN. Please contact him and the station regarding your appreciation of what he is doing for America.

Send your support for Lou!




snail mail
One CNN Center
Box 105366
Atlanta ,Ga.

Lou Dobbs' DIRECT email contact address:

National Campaign to Take Lou Dobbs off the Air

It didn't work last year, so they're trying it again!
Same Song, Same could get better, but it's going to get worse!

*This campaign was started by the very people that are against Lou Dobbs, and anyone else that tells the truth and isn't afraid of standing up against law breakers and invaders of our Country. Please read this, and then find the CONTACT INFO FOR LOU AND HIS SPONSORS above, so you can email them your support.

'Ax AOL' campaign designed to pressure CNN parent company to fire newsman

WASHINGTON – Illegal-alien activists who have pulled off major rallies in several cities in recent weeks plan to shift part of their focus May 1 by targeting a newsman they see hurting their cause.

Topics: Lou Dobbs is great! Watch Lou Dobbs, CNN, illegal immigration, the truth, the facts, aliens, Mexico, News in America

World Net Daily

An "Ax AOL" campaign is being organized to coincide with a national action by various groups defending illegal immigration, but the real target of their wrath is Lou Dobbs of CNN.

"Why AOL?" asks one of the promoters of the campaign rhetorically. "Lou Dobbs is the number one money maker for CNN so he is not going anywhere as long as he makes money for CNN and right now he is making a ton of money for CNN bashing 'illegal immigration.' CNN is owned by Time Warner and Time Warner also owns AOL, which is being extensively promoted to increase its value as witnessed last week by selling 5 percent of AOL stock to Google. This 5 percent cost Google $1 billion setting a benchmark value for AOL stock. The Google-AOL deal gives AOL a valuation of $20 billion. Billionaire Time Warner shareholder Carl Icahn who controls 3 percent of Time Warner shares has been organizing a proxy battle for control of Time Warner wants to sell AOL."

But why Lou Dobbs?

According to the organizers: "Lou Dobbs has become the champion zealot of bashing 'illegal immigration' each night at CNN promoting HR 4437 as the only way of dealing with 'Broken Borders' to protect the USA. The only way to stop Lou Dobbs, the raving populist xenophobe, is to invoke 'The Achilles heel: AOL.'"

Interestingly, Jon Garrido of Hispanic News, the mastermind of the AOL campaign, believes Dobbs is too popular to take on directly.

"We could never directly muzzle Lou Dobbs because the revenue his trashing of Hispanic/Latinos generates for CNN is huge and CNN's revenue belongs to Time Warner," he writes. "The Achilles heel is AOL. If the value of AOL was to decrease dramatically because of the loss of the Hispanic/Latino market, Time Warner, and more so, Carl Icahn, would move to stop this hemorrhage. The only way to stop the hemorrhage would be to meet the demands of the Hispanic/Latino community: Remove Lou Dobbs off the air."

The organizers believe the firing of Lou Dobbs would be the death knell of the current move in Congress to pass tough border security measures and an enforcement plan to deal with the millions of illegal aliens already residing in the U.S.

"Removing Lou Dobbs off the air would completely disarm the national leader of promoting HR 4437 and would be the most powerful message that could be provided to the Congress, President Bush, 2008 presidential candidates and the entire USA," Garrido writes. "The demise of Lou Dobbs would be fatal. There would be nowhere for him to land because wherever he surfaced such as FOX, the Ax AOL campaign would follow him by simply changing our name to Ax FOX."

While Dobbs has become an almost legendary hero to Americans who feel abandoned by their government on the illegal alien issue, he is being vilified in many other quarters.

The left-leaning Media Channel isn't advocating any convoluted targeting of AOL in its anti-Dobbs campaign – just a direct boycott.

Indian-Americans have also launched their own petition to get Dobbs dumped.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, another radical group, is also attacking Dobbs – claiming his reports on immigration fail to acknowledge anti-Hispanic racism is at the root of concerns about illegal immigration.

Even someone Dobbs has had on his show as a guest commentator is getting into the act of calling for his firing by CNN. Enrique Morones, an activist from Southern California, has reportedly written a letter to the president of CNN calling for Dobbs' head.

A Former Border Patrol Agent tells it like it is!

This letter sent to Senator Frist from a retired border patrol agent has more common sense than all the bull being spewed from the Senate, with the exception of a few sensible representatives.

Dear Senator Frist:

There is a huge amount of propaganda and myths circulating about illegal aliens, particularly illegal Mexican, Salvadorian, Guatemalan and Honduran aliens.

1. Illegal aliens generally do NOT want U.S. citizenship. Americans are very vain thinking that everybody in the world wants to be a U.S. citizen. Mexicans, and other nationalities want to remain citizens of their home countries while obtaining the benefits offered by the United States such as employment, medical care, in-state tuition, government subsidized housing and free education for their offspring. Their main attraction is employment and their loyalty usually remains at home. They want benefits earned and subsidized by middle class Americans. What illegal aliens want are benefits of American residence without paying the price.

2. There are no jobs that Americans won't do. Illegal aliens are doing jobs that Americans can't take and still support their families. Illegal aliens take low wage jobs, live dozens in a single residence home, share expenses and send money to their home country. There are no jobs that Americans won't do for a decent wage.

3. Every person who illegally entered this nation left a home. They are NOT homeless and they are NOT Americans. Some left jobs in their home countries. They come to send money to their real home as evidenced by the more than 20 billion dollars sent out of the country each year by illegal aliens. These illegal aliens knowingly and willfully entered this nation in violation of the law and therefore assumed the risk of detection and deportation. Those who brought their alien children assumed the responsibility and risk on behalf of their children.

4. Illegal aliens are NOT critical to the economy. Illegal aliens constitute less than 5% of the workforce. However, they reduce wages and benefits for lawful U.S. residents.

5. This is NOT an immigrant nation. There are 280 million native born Americans. While it is true that this nation was settled and founded by immigrants (legal immigrants), it is also true that there is not a nation on this planet that was not settled by immigrants at one time or another.

6. The United States is welcoming to legal immigrants. Illegal aliens are not immigrants by definition. The U.S. accepts more lawful immigrants every year than the rest of the world combined.

7. There is no such thing as the "Hispanic vote". Hispanics are white, brown, black and every shade in between. Hispanics are Republicans, Democrats, Anarchists, Communists, Marxists and Independents. The so-called "Hispanic vote" is a myth. Pandering to illegal aliens to get the Hispanic vote is a dead end.

8. Mexico is NOT a friend of the United States. Since 1848 Mexicans have resented the United States. During World War I Mexico allowed German Spies to operate freely in Mexico to spy on the U.S. During World War II Mexico allowed the Axis powers to spy on the U.S. from Mexico. During the Cold War Mexico allowed spies hostile to the U.S. to operate freely. The attack on the Twin Towers in 2001 was cheered and applauded all across Mexico. Today Mexican school children are taught that the U.S. stole California, Arizona, new Mexico and Texas. If you don't believe it, check out some Mexican textbooks written for their schoolchildren.

9. Although some illegal aliens enter this country for a better life, there are 6 billion people on this planet. At least 1 billion of those live on less than one dollar a day. If wanting a better life is a valid excuse to break the law and sneak into America, then let's allow those one billion to come to America and we'll turn the USA into a Third World nation overnight. Besides, there are 280 million native born Americans who want a better life. I'll bet Bill Gates and Donald Trump want a better life. When will the USA lifeboat be full? Since when is wanting a better life a good reason to trash another nation?

10. There is a labor shortage in this country. This is a lie. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of American housewives, senior citizens, students, unemployed and underemployed who would gladly take jobs at a decent wage.

11. It is racist to want secure borders. What is racist about wanting secure borders and a secure America? What is racist about not wanting people to sneak into America and steal benefits we have set aside for legal aliens, senior citizens, children and other legal residents? What is it about race that entitles people to violate our laws, steal identities, and take the American Dream without paying the price?

For about four decades American politicians have refused to secure our borders and look after the welfare of middle class Americans. These politicians have been of both parties. A huge debt to American society has resulted. This debt will be satisfied and the interest will be high. There has already been riots in the streets by illegal aliens and their supporters. There will be more. You, as a politician, have a choice to offend the illegal aliens who have stolen into this country and demanded the rights afforded to U.S. citizens or to offend those of us who are stakeholders in this country. The interest will be steep either way. There will be civil unrest. There will be a reckoning. Do you have the courage to do what is right for America? Or, will you bow to the wants and needs of those who don't even have the right to remain here?

There will be a reckoning. It will come in November of this year, again in 2008 and yet again in 2010.

We will not allow America to be stolen by third world agitators and thieves.

David J. Stoddard
U.S. Border Patrol (RET)
Hereford, Arizona

BRAVO!!! I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Stoddard, I wish he were running for office, he'd have my vote!

Website for posting and finding protests in your area!

A place for FED UP American Citizens to gather, unite, communicate and coordinate the largest official 2006 National Anti-Illegal Immigrant Protest in American HISTORY!

Let them know that we will remember in November

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sees United States on verge of anarchy

Sees United States on verge of anarchy
Published: Apr 18, 2006

The masses of illegal alien demonstrators in the American streets on April 9 and April 10 brought forth the fact America has a real problem in resolving an immigration crisis.

After Sept. 11, 2001, and the terrorist attacks, it would appear by now the government would have sealed the Mexican and Canadian borders and identified all illegals in the country. No one knows who is in the country illegally, nor do they have an accurate count of the numbers. This we should know. The estimated numbers vary from 12 million to 20 million.

From what we have witnessed on television, it is obvious that Mexican President Vincente Fox’s illegal alien army has swept across America and grows in strength by the thousands daily, as illegals continue to pour across the border. They are now occupying every nook and cranny in the country. America’s interstate highway system has been a great help to them in making a swift getaway from the border and fanning out in all directions to penetrate deep into the interior of the country.

The amnesty passed by Congress in 1986 during the Reagan presidency did little or nothing to stem the tide. The cries for help from the public fell on deaf ears in Congress. Even after Sept. 11, 2001, when surely the government would have strengthened the border security to keep terrorists from sneaking into the country, little or nothing has been done by the Department of Homeland Security. Congress has failed to enforce the laws passed to secure the borders and prohibit corporations from hiring illegal aliens.

When the president, the Congress, the Department of Homeland Security and the military fail to act when our borders are violated by foreigners, then what can we the people do to protect our homeland? Are we a sovereign nation today when millions of illegals can march in the streets and demand the same rights of an American citizen? Think about it, 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens demanding they be granted amnesty It’s outrageous. If agreed to by our government, it’s like saying anyone from throughout the world has a right to American citizenship once they put their feet on American soil.

Jim Atteberry
retired civil engineer
Baton Rouge

Monday, April 17, 2006

In-Depth Strategy for Texas Border Security

In-Depth Strategy for Texas Border Security
Apr 17, 2006 By News Staff

U.S. Customs and Border Protection(CBP) Border Patrol's Laredo sector,
opened Friday, a permanent checkpoint located between the Callaghan and San
Roman Interchange, approximately 29 miles north of Laredo, Texas.

The checkpoint is equipped with state-of-the-art detection equipment and
includes six lanes to service traffic in both public and commercial
vehicles. CBP K-9 enforcement units and state and local law enforcement also
will conduct enforcement efforts at the checkpoint.

"This new state-of-the-art checkpoint is an essential component of border
security," said Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar. "By employing this
checkpoint in Laredo, we will effectively control a key human and narcotic
smuggling route to the rest of the country."

The secondary area also has six serviceable lanes to further inspect all
vehicles. Both areas have a functional, all-weather canopy to ensure that
the checkpoint is able to operate 24 hours a day.The Laredo checkpoint can
efficiently process more than 21,000 trucks per day, while denying smugglers
an avenue to transport humans, narcotics and other contraband.

Checkpoints have long been a part of CBP Border Patrol's defense in depth
strategy. This permanent checkpoint adds a second layer of defense and will
help disrupt smuggling organizations that operate in the Laredo/Nuevo Laredo

Since 1999, the IH-checkpoint has been responsible for over 28,000
apprehensions and the seizure of 450,000 pounds of marijuana and 10,000
pounds of cocaine with a combined value of $680 million.

Copyright® 2005 e.Republic, Inc. All rights reserved.
eRepublic, Inc. 100 Blue Ravine Rd., Folsom, CA 95630

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

LIVE from the New Mexico BORDER

Been here almost 24 hrs. helped with Comm. center and saw some old/familiar faces. It was good to catch up over old times. Several businesses in Columbus have signs on their front doors, stating "NO MINUTEMEN." It is obvious that our presence is cutting in on their 'income,' but thank God, there's people like the current property owners that welcome us with open arms.
Speaking of supporters of our mission, I heard a story from a local border property owner that would make you gringe with disgust. She said that while they were away recently, illegals broke into their home, painted graffiti (their names)on her walls. Even after scrubbing with clorox bleach and ajax the walls still show plainly the names of the invaders. *pictures are forthcoming.
The Landowner also says that they went through her panty drawers and strewn them all over her house. She went on to say that they also took a J.C. Penney catalogue and removed the Women's lingerie pages and made cutout paper dolls, and strewn them all over the living room. The burgulars also took antique silver money, that was from the 1800's that she had collected.
She was also unsettled when she saw her gorgeous bed, (white laced bedspread and all), where they had obviously slept with their shoes on, and both the bedspread and pillows were left, with muddy shoe prints.
Cleanup after the break-in was time consuming, and consisted of scrubbing walls, cleaning broken window glass and mudd out of carpets, bleaching and ajaxing the walls where the graffiti was left (and still remains.) Since the original break-in, they have had 3 attempts that were unsuccessful, due to their adding iron bars to their windows. They may be 'safe', but they're also in a kind of prison of their own making. And still they remain on their property, fighting for the security of our Nation.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Protest Organizers Registering Illegal Aliens to Vote

TCV News

Protest Organizers Registering Illegal Aliens to Vote
April 10, 2006 12:30 PM EST

According to the leaders of the nationwide pro-illegal immigration rallies, an important part of their activities during the protests is the registration of illegal aliens to vote.

Although they don't say "illegals" will be registered, the majority of those immigrants being sign up to vote in US elections are in the country unlawfully.

Two of the groups taking the lead in the registration drive are Casa de Maryland, which is one of the major organizers of the Washington, DC rally, and La Raza, which is involved in different protests, according to their web pages.

Although it's illegal for non-citizens to vote in the US, the registration process is open to fraud since registrants merely fill out applications with the help of the organizers. All they need to do is check off "yes" in answer to the question if they are citizens. No identification documents are required.

According to critics, most of those being approached for voter registration do not speak English so they are being "guided" in the registration process by activists.

According to political analyst Mike Baker, the new registrants are being urged to register as Democrats by activists involved in the protests.

"The Democrats will register anyone they can, whether they're alive or in a cemetary. At least these people are still breathing," quips Baker.

One GOP state worker says that Republican leaders know illegal aliens are being registered, but they remain silent.

"Don't expect Americans to be told about this disturbing fraud by politicians or the news media," he said.

Packing for the Border...Will you be joining me?

I am leaving for the border in 3 days. We're planning on patrolling the Texas, New Mexico and possibly also the Arizona borders. As soon as I return, I will post pictures and stories of what we saw and participated in. Meanwhile, hold down the fort and know that we're out there trying to stem the flow of the invaders into our Country.
Pray for us and if you can, join us!
~Cindy Lou'...Minuteman of 1, Denton County-Texas (Sanger/Krum area)

P.S. I am also taking one of my neighbors that wants to be a Minuteman. Pics and video called "The making of a Minuteman" is coming soon!
Stay tuned.

Help Catch this Coyote!

Click on the ID card to go to the Minutemanofone-AZ website for more info!

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