Saturday, March 25, 2006

We are facing a Crisis in our Country!

I know I'm 'preaching to the choir' but after seeing the thousands of illegals and their supporters take to the streets demanding that their lawbreaking be ignored and condoned, we realize that our 'gov.' has dropped the ball on this issue for far too long. What we need to do now is start to take back our Country at all costs! I spoke with a Man today that I have known most of my life and he said "it's too late to do anything, this place is already turning into Little Mexico and it's all our fault." He continued to say that "it is because so many people for so long has hired these illegals and others have turned their heads and not said anything." I agreed with him and he then said "we have to stop hiring them, no matter what it costs and demand others do the same."
I agreed with him and then thought about this, and realized that if enough people called the police EVERY TIME they suspected a crime being committted (hiring of an illegal) then the Police would have to realize that people cared enough about it to (maybe) do something locally. And if enough Police Departments had this occur, (20 calls a day saying that, for example: "I suspect that Frenchy's lawn care service may be hiring illegals and has then at XXX main street today working on a lawn") then maybe they would have a 'papertrail' to use and turn over to ICE or INS. The only problem that I see that could possibly crop up with this is, the Police may want your information for the report or call sheet and the information COULD possibly be gotten thru the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act.) So, what I purpose us to do is to call it in an an 'annonymous Citizen' and refuse to give your contact info. We are all well aware that there's invaders and their supporters EVERYWHERE, and the Police Dispatcher is no exception, so you cannot afford to jepardize your safety by giving them your name and address or phone number. I DO NOT suggest that you use the 911 line!!! Instead, find the local NON-Emergency phone number and use that. Most, if not all Police Departments have the 911 lines setup on a system where your address shows when you call that number. And since the call you are making IS NOT an emergency, there's NO REASON to use that number. And by using the NON-Emergency number, it doesn't tie up the 911 line so real emergencies can get through, and in addition, the NON-emergency lines aren't usually hooked up to the system that would identify the number you called from. If you used the 911 line (which would be wrong to do) you could be fined and/or arrested for "911 abuse" (which I have seen happen.)
So, like I've said, call the NON-emergency line and turn in your "suspicious activity" and do not give them your info! Again, we have invaders and their supporters everywhere!

After you have called it in, leave me a comment here so we can see what City/State you are in and the response you got from the Dispatcher. *(I have been a Police Dispatcher at 2 seperate departments, and I can guess that your responses will be varied.)
It would also be a good idea for you to find a used (or new) Handheld Scanner to carry with you in your vehicle (*CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL STATE LAW, TO MAKE SURE IT IS LEGAL TO POSSESS THIS BEFORE SPENDING YOUR MONEY!) But, if it's legal where you are, as it is in Texas, you can get them for less than $100.00 at lost pawn shops. *IF, it's not already programmed with your local Police, Fire and Sheriffs frequencies, then contact your local Ham Club at and find a local Ham operator and he most likely would know the frequencies or know someone in the club that would have them.

And if you have any questions, just ask me.
Good luck and please help us TAKE BACK AMERICA! Remember, what we leave our Grandkids is OUR responsibility!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Mexicans try to cut through American Border wall WITH A BLOW TORCH!

Photo #1:
Taken from quite some distance, an orange glow is visible at the fence as the torch crew cuts the fence and prepares for the drive through team.

More pics tomorrow....

Monday, March 20, 2006

Listen to Important Message from Tom Tancredo and J.D. Hayworth

Jim Gilchrist turns UP THE HEAT on Washington!

Founder of the Minuteman Project declares:
The Minutemen are turning up the heat on Washington--Again!

Go to his website to see what else he has in store for them. Keep up the pressure, we're behind you 110%.

Way to go Jim! It was an honor to stand guard with you in AZ, and in Calif. of last year!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Mad Max in Borderland--Overnight with the Minutemen

Click story above for entire story. Make sure you check this out before they pull it. It's hosted on a VERY liberal, PRO-Immigrant website, the photo gallery has already been pulled, so read this while it's still available online.

correction: the Camo Suburban is in reality, called 'Godzilla.'

Sunday, March 12, 2006

U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill), sides with angry Chicago Mob

Is it just me, or do you think it's abit strange to stand up and scream in the streets, if you were ILLEGAL, demanding the government (of the Country you BROKE INTO ILLEGALY) NOT pass any further laws adding to your already ILLEGAL status.

U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill), an America-hating coward, rabid Mexican reconquista and traitor, sides with mob of illegal aliens throwing a major tantrum in Chicago on March 10, 2006. This horde of lawbreaking job thieves are opposed to the Sensenbrenner Bill (HR-4437) which would make alot of them felons. Check out the photos below and ask yourselves if you really want these people to become Citizens or would you want them to go back home.

Makes you proud huh?! Now aren't you glad it wasn't YOUR City? Call your Reps now, because it COULD BE YOUR CITY NEXT!

Lawn Care Man gets into trouble because he is a Proud English Speaking American!

What do you think this cop is saying to his prisoner?

Click on the comment and tell me what you think he's saying.

Naui is tricked, throws fit and get charged for assault.

It seems that California Rally organizers pulled a fast one on the goons yesterday, and being mentally 'slow' they fell for it. Then someone told them about the real location, the poster child (for Goon Birth control) showed up and decided to act like a child and kick people. Well, needless to say the main culprit got charged with assaulting a Minuteman, and in retalliation for getting into trouble for acting like a spoiled 2 year old, he pressed charges AGAINST the victim. Yes, folks...I'm not making this up, he's actually that dispicable! I understand that crime and corruption is a way of life in Mexico, but I guess he still haven't realized that he's in the U.S.A. now, and speaking of which....has anyone checked his legal status? hmmm

And MM01-Denton, County-TX. is pleased to bring you the story along with the picture of him being hauled off by the cops in what appears to be handcuffs. My message and question, to the freak named Naui (what kind of a name is that anyway?) Come on up to Texas 'fruitcake' I'll show you what lying gets you here. Hopefully Nolan Ryan can show you his "Texas 2-Step" but If Nolan Ryan is busy, I'll teach you the "3-S's", We don't play around with kid gloves in Texas, freakboy!

Thanks Jeff, you guys in Cali. are priceless!

---------- From Jeff in Calif.
What a great sight! Yesterday Naui and his Communist Atzlander friends showed up late for the Minuteman rally in Fullerton. I guess they weren't too happy about sitting at the Santa Ana Mexican Consulate in the rain by themselves waiting for our rally there) a false announcement had been sent out earlier in the week) so when they arrived in Fullerton they tried to hassel our ralliers. Naui approached and kicked one of our peaceful ralliers, the police were called, and the result above was captured on film.
Great work Minutemen! Expose these violent , Anti-American punks for who they are. naui and gang like to yell out "California was once Mexico and still is. Whites go back to Europe."
THANK YOU Fullerton P.D. for protecting Americans from this cancer in our society.
Unfortunately, Naui has many friends that are equally ignorant of how America works and/or have severe mental issues. Watch for them to become more violent as Americans demand better border security and stranger immigration policies.
Rejoice in this small victory for America.
~Jeff S.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

'Lil Dog...'chasin drug runners, since last Summer

'Lil Dog'- Somewhere near Jacumba, Calif.
(I could tell you where, but I'd have to shoot you!)
March 9, 2006- from 'Lil Dog'...

Last Summer I answer'd the call and joined the (now defunct) California Minutemen during their deployment on the border in Campo, Ca. I discovered the real problems on this part of the border was ..."drug smuggling" I resigned from them and started the Mountain Minutemen, (we are oriented on drug intervention.) We are highly respected by the U.S. Border Patrol, Border Patrol Intelligence, & the Department of Homeland Security. We are not a large group, and we are not supported by any other Minuteman organizations. We have been standing toe-to-toe; alone with the "Felix cartel" on these Mountains, denying them the trails that they so desperately need to move the dope. We are also interrupting the distribution network, that they use to move the products. I have not received any assistance from anybody, except Eric "Big Dog" H. A 23 year old Kuwaiti Vet. (he was in Tombstone with us)...he lasted 2 days, leaving saying "Them bush's move at night! I'm outta here!" And I don't blame him, this is very serious and dangerous.
I have developed an outstanding relationship with the community, because "I stand these mountains"... every night. They call me a "Snitch",well, maybe so, but there are Children in America eating today, because of my assault on the "evils" of the night that terrorize these Mountains and Canyons, moving these drugs.....

-----When 'Lil Dog's job is complete, he says: I will go home to my boat and my bike, and I will die a happier Man, because I did something to change life in our Country for our Children and Grand-children. -God Bless America
_'Lil Dog'

We, the MM01's Salute 'Lil Dog' in his endevors, and admire his dedication to help secure America from the poison on our streets.

______________Attention* If you would like to send 'Lil Dog a care package or call him, email me and explain your intentions and I will forward you his contact info.
This is the beginning of an ongoing "Portrait of a Minuteman" that will be seen here regularly.
To submit stories and photos to be considered, send an email to:

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