We are facing a Crisis in our Country!
I agreed with him and then thought about this, and realized that if enough people called the police EVERY TIME they suspected a crime being committted (hiring of an illegal) then the Police would have to realize that people cared enough about it to (maybe) do something locally. And if enough Police Departments had this occur, (20 calls a day saying that, for example: "I suspect that Frenchy's lawn care service may be hiring illegals and has then at XXX main street today working on a lawn") then maybe they would have a 'papertrail' to use and turn over to ICE or INS. The only problem that I see that could possibly crop up with this is, the Police may want your information for the report or call sheet and the information COULD possibly be gotten thru the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act.) So, what I purpose us to do is to call it in an an 'annonymous Citizen' and refuse to give your contact info. We are all well aware that there's invaders and their supporters EVERYWHERE, and the Police Dispatcher is no exception, so you cannot afford to jepardize your safety by giving them your name and address or phone number. I DO NOT suggest that you use the 911 line!!! Instead, find the local NON-Emergency phone number and use that. Most, if not all Police Departments have the 911 lines setup on a system where your address shows when you call that number. And since the call you are making IS NOT an emergency, there's NO REASON to use that number. And by using the NON-Emergency number, it doesn't tie up the 911 line so real emergencies can get through, and in addition, the NON-emergency lines aren't usually hooked up to the system that would identify the number you called from. If you used the 911 line (which would be wrong to do) you could be fined and/or arrested for "911 abuse" (which I have seen happen.)
So, like I've said, call the NON-emergency line and turn in your "suspicious activity" and do not give them your info! Again, we have invaders and their supporters everywhere!
After you have called it in, leave me a comment here so we can see what City/State you are in and the response you got from the Dispatcher. *(I have been a Police Dispatcher at 2 seperate departments, and I can guess that your responses will be varied.)
It would also be a good idea for you to find a used (or new) Handheld Scanner to carry with you in your vehicle (*CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL STATE LAW, TO MAKE SURE IT IS LEGAL TO POSSESS THIS BEFORE SPENDING YOUR MONEY!) But, if it's legal where you are, as it is in Texas, you can get them for less than $100.00 at lost pawn shops. *IF, it's not already programmed with your local Police, Fire and Sheriffs frequencies, then contact your local Ham Club at www.qrz.com and find a local Ham operator and he most likely would know the frequencies or know someone in the club that would have them.
And if you have any questions, just ask me.
Good luck and please help us TAKE BACK AMERICA! Remember, what we leave our Grandkids is OUR responsibility!